Recommended reading

I'm basing my work in huge part on my own experience and the bits and pieces of knowledge I picked up during my 30+ years on this planet. There are, however, sources more important than others in the development of my point of view on art and culture, as well as the ones that still push me onwards. I'll be listing them here as I go to make it easier to follow where my thoughts take me and to accompany me there.

The most enlightening reading I can recommend with which to start, is one or both of the following:

- Freud's Introduction to Psychoanalysis is more than a little dated, but I'd say it manages to stay relevant because Freud's assumption throughout all of his lectures was that he was talking to skeptics; it's thus a great beginning if you want to see the entire reasoning behind discussing the Unconscious;

- Jung's Man and His Symbols is the book on the subject you read if you can only choose one; it's accessible and it blows your mind every 3 pages or so.

I've since decided to dive deep when researching the id, our elusive Shadows, and I can't imagine a more fascinating starting point than Frans de Waal's Our Inner Ape.
